What is Build Elevate
An advanced application starting point that jump-starts the development process with user flows, page templates, UI components populated with content, and base integrations ready for customization.
Build Elevate is an Accedo solution aiming to speed up the development process and time to market our professional services projects by offering a boilerplate application that covers an OTT application's most common use cases and an improved developer experience.
The Build Elevate baseline application implements some mock services and a default UI. To meet our customer requirements, all the Build Elevate projects will always require several hours to customize and implement the actual services and final UI.
Introduction to Elevate Web
Elevate Web is the web version of Elevate, created after several years of experience creating and improving Elevate Applications for other platforms with focus on continuous deployment, the best possible test coverage and best practices.
We have focused on giving the best possible Developer Experience.
As a colaborative effort with the PD&A team, Elevate Web includes the First iteration of the Web Reels Component library which is built around the Design System and Design tokens to reduce UI update times of the existing components.